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Welcome to website of Nei Yang Gong and Tai Ji Quan

Taijiquan Warm up

1. Lǐang Bì Lún Huān
Circling the arms (9 times in both directions)
2. Dān Tiān Kāi Hé丹田开合
Hands in front of Dān Tiān (Right hand on top) as if holding a ball, turning to Right then Left (9 times)
b) Return to starting position and open and close the Dān Tiān guiding with the hands (9 times each)
3. Dìng Bù Dào Juǎn Gōng

Without legs Step Back and Curl the arms (9 times)
4. Dìng Bù Yūn Shǒu
Without legs Cloud Hands (9 times)
5. Qǐ Shì
24 posture 0pening movement / raising and lowering the arms
 (9 times after stepping out with Left foot Shōu Húi Zǔo Jiǎo return then 9 times after stepping out with Right foot Kāi Yòu Jiǎo)
6. Róu Xī (Tǔi)
Circling knees (legs) (9 times each direction)
7. Shōu Shì - Closing (three arm circles, hands together at top of 3rd (men Left first / Women Right) then lower to Dān Tiān 丹田, step in with Left foot then lower arm to side of body to finish)

The Yang style 24 posture Taijiquan form 二十四式太极拳

Yù Bèi Shì
/ Ready position – Stand naturally straight, mind and body calm and relaxed with the arms hanging naturally at the dies of he body. Keep the head and neck naturally straight, chin slightly drawn in. Close the mouth and bring the teeth together. Lightly touch the tip of the tongue against the roof of the mouth. Concentrate and breathe naturally, eyes looking forward. Feel the weight in your feet and feel they are rooted into the ground and that you are being lightly suspended by a thread attached to the top of your head so that your spine is being gently lengthened. You can also imagine energy entering through your Bǎi Huì百会

point at the top of your head and cascading down through your bones, muscles, ligaments and joints like a waterfall, taking with it any negative feelings of thoughts, tension or discomfort and taking them out of the points on the soles of your feet deep into the ground

  1. Qǐ Shì 起势 (Beginning position)

  2. Zǒu Yòu Yěmǎ Fēn Zōng 左右野马分鬃 (Part the Wild Horses Mane Left and Right)

  3. Bái Hè Liàng Chì白鵝亮翅 (White crane spreads it’s wings)

  4. Zǒu Yòu Loū Xī ào Bù搂膝拗步(Brush aside over knee Left and Right) 

  5. Shǒu Huī Pípā手挥琵琶 (Play the Pipa1)

  6. Zǒu Yòu Dào Juǎn Gōng 左右倒卷肱 (Step back and curl the arms Left and Right3)

  7. Zòu Lán Què Wěi左拦雀尾 (Grasp the peacock’s tail on the Left)

  8. Yòu Lán Què Wěi右拦雀尾 (Grasp the peacock’s tail on the Right)

  9. Dān Biān单鞭 (Single Bian2)

  10. Yūn shǒu云手(Cloud hands)

  11. Dān Biān单鞭 (Single Bian2)

  12. Gāo Tàn Mǎ高探马(High pat on horses head)

  13. Yoù Dēng Jiǎo右蹬脚 (Kick with Right heel)

  14. Shuān Fēng Guàn’ěr双峰贯耳 (Strike the ears with both fists)

  15. Zhuǎn Shēn Zuǒ Dēng Jiǎo转身左蹬脚 (Turn and kick with Left heel)

  16. Zuǒ Xià Shì Dú Lí左下势独立(Push down and stand on Left Leg4)

  17. Yòu Xià Shì Dú Lí右下势独立(Push down and stand on Left Leg4)

  18. Zuǒ Yòu Chān Suō 左右玉女穿梭 (Move the shuttle Left and Right5)

  19. Hǎi Dǐ Zhēn海底针(Needle at sea bottom)

  20. Shǎng Tōng Bì闪通背 (Send a flash through the arms)

  21. Zhuǎn Shēn Bān Lán Chuí转身搬拦捶(Turn body, deflect, block and punch)

  22. Rú Fēng Sì Bì如封似闭 (Pull back then push as if to close)

  23. Shí Zì Shǒu十字手 (Cross hands)

  24. Shōu Shì收式(Closing position)


1. Shǒu Huī Pípā
(Play the Pipa ): A Pipa is a pear shaped Chinese four stringed musical instrument made of wood, plucked and usually held perpendicular with the body of the instrument on the performers knee.

Dān Biān (Single Bian): ‘Dān’ means single while ‘Biān’ refers to an ancient weapon, an iron rod that is either rectangular in shape or edged as in bamboo or other patterns. ‘Biān’ were often used in pairs hence ‘Dān Biān’ means Single Bian
Source: Taijiquan by Li Deyin, Foreign Languages Press

3. Zǒu Yòu Dào Juǎn Gōng (Step back and curl the arms Left and Right) is also known as
Dào Niǎn Hóu倒撵猴(Repulse the monkey)

4. Zuǒ/ Yòu Xià Shì Dú Lí (Push down and stand on Left/Right Leg) is also often known as
Snake creeps down左金鸡独立

5, Zuǒ Yòu Chān Suō 左右穿梭 (Move the shuttle Left and Right) is sometimes referred to as
Yù Nǔ Chān Suō 玉女穿梭 (Beautiful or Jade maiden weaves the shuttle)

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