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Bao Jian An Mo Fa Keep Health Rubbing Method

Self Massage – The Eyes

In Traditional Chinese Medicine and working the eyes can also help liver function.

1. Cá Yǎn Méi

Place the thumbs of each hand on the temple either side of the forehead and bend the index fingers.

Using the side of the top part of the index finger massage across the eyebrow 18 times, from inside to out, using comfortable pressure.
18 times.

Self Massage – The Eyes

2. Cá Yǎn Pí

With the eyelids closed, massage from the inside point across the eyes out to the hairline using the backs of the top part of the thumbs. Stimulates secretion of the eyes

Useful for improving eyesight and dry uncomfortable eyes (liver and gall bladder fire)
18 times

Self Massage – The Eyes

3. Róu Yǎ Kuàng

With the eyes closed massage around eyes sockets in circles using the back of the top of the thumbs around the upper socket and the back of the lower part of thumbs around the lower part of the socket

Move slowly and softly. Stimulates all points around the eyes
18 times

Self Massage – The Eyes

3. Yù Yǎn Qìu

With the eyes closed rotate the eyeballs in circles as if following the hands of a clock. Stimulates secretion of the eyes, helps circulate blood in the brain.9 times clockwise / 9 times anti-clockwise

4. Wén Xù Shuāng Yán

Rub palms briskly together gently press the palms over the eyes allowing the heat generated from the palms to soak into the eyes, feeling any tiredness in the eyes dissappear.

Stimulates secretion of the eyes, helps circulate blood in the brain
Repeat 3 times

5. Jí Mù Yuǎn Wùng

Look at an object far in the distance

The above exercises should be completed before sleep and on getting up in the morning

Self Massage – The Ears

In Traditional Chinese Medicine the ears connect to all parts of the body

1. Mó ěr Lún
With the thumbs in front of the ears and the first two fingers on the rear of the ears massage in
4 circles up from the ear lobe then pull up the top of the ear and release – 18 times

2. Mó ěr Lún
With the thumbs at the rear of the ears and the first two fingers at the front, massage down from the top of the ear in 4 circles then pull down the ear lobe and release – 18 times

3. Cá ěr Lún
Make a ‘V’ with the first two fingers of each hand and with the thumb tucked in ‘scrub’ up and down over the ears

4. Cūo Ri Duō
‘Scrubbing’ the ears from front to back with the palms - 18 times

Stimulates all points in the ears and can be beneficial for spine problems and high blood pressure. The centre part of the ear stimulates the organs of the body.

5. àn ěr Pǐng
Massage the inner ears with the top of the fingers – 9 times clockwise / 9 times anti-clockwise

6. Tōng Tiǎn Zhǐ
Place the fingers in the ears so you are unable to hear, then as soon as you feel comfortable sharply pull both fingers out of the ears.
The force of the air stimulates secretion inside the part of the ear that cannot be reached.6 – 9 times
Useful for treating sudden deafness brought on by stress (Qi stagnation)

7. Ming Tīan Gǔ (Heavens drum)Cover the ears with the palms with the fingers across the back of the neck. The index fingers slip down the middle finger to strike the base of the skull - 24 times

Increases secretions around the ear

Self Massage – The Head

Tóu Gōng
Smoothes the meridians along the head (the meeting point of the Yang meridians)
Benefits the gall bladder and liver by reducing fire.

1..Rotating the fingertips against the scalp in 9 circles from the forehead down to the neck

2. Rotating the soft parts of the fingers against the scalp in 9 circles from the forehead down to the neck

3. Sliding the back of the top part of the fingers across the scalp from the forehead to the neck 9 times

4. Drumming against the scalp with the fingertips

Self Massage – The Nose
Bí Gōng (Nose method)

1. With the thumbs connecting with the index fingers and the thumb joint pressing against the sides of the nose, massage up to the forehead at the hairline, then back down – 18 times

Self Massage – The Nose

2. With the thumbs connecting with the index fingers massage either side of the bottom of the nose (LI-20) in a circle motion – 9,12 or 18 times in each direction

Self Massage – The Nose

3. Rub the palms together to generate heat then massage the back of the neck up and down with the palms – 20 times

4. Massage the chest with the hands in circles – 10 times in each direction

Colds often appear when the body is adjusting to the changes in the seasons and the
The Bí Gōng method can be beneficial in preventing and treating colds and their symptoms.

The massages should be practiced every day and when doing so you should imagine the nose and the nasal passages are healthy and the breathing is smooth

Self Massage – The Face
Yù Mìan (cleansing face)

1. Massaging the face with the palms, down from the forehead then up the outside of the face.

2. Massaging the face with the palms, up from the forehead with the little finger moving along the sides of the nose, then down on the outside of the face.
Use early in the morning 100 times
Helps keep the face bright, colourful, and healthy and reduces wrinkles.

Self Massage – The Mouth

1. Kòu Chǐ (Teeth)
Clicking the teeth together 36 times +
Strengthens the Spleen, helps clear out the kidney

2. Yùn Shé (Tongue)
Circle the tongue around the back then front of the teeth - 9 times in each direction
b) Circle the tongue inside of the mouth (Imagine the tongue is a dragon swimming in the sea)
Creates saliva which is beneficial for the digestion

3. Yàn Jīn (Swallowing saliva)
Gather saliva in the mouth then swallow to Dan Tian


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