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Xíng Qì Yán Shòu Fǎ 行气延寿法
Regulating Qi and Prolonging Life

Sections Three & Four (Exercises 13 – 24)

Section Three
As in Section one the exercises in Section Four promote Yīn energy and use the ‘Soft’ breathing method;
  • Breathing In (Xī Qì 吸气)
  • Breathing Out (Hū Qì 呼气)
  • Holding the breath (Bì Qì 闭气)

Soft breathing promotes Yīn energy and the Yīn organs; Lungs, Heart, Spleen, Liver, and Kidneys.

Where there is difficulty in following the breathing pattern students can breathe naturally or adapt the breathing pattern accordingly to add additional breaths.

The movements should follow a continuous flow pausing only when holding the breath.

The Nei Yang Gong Qigong Section Two exercises 13 - 18

13. Xiān Hè Qǐ Wū -
Red crowned crane dances

14. Yíng Fēng Bǎi Lián -
Lotus sways in the wind

15. Shén Gūi Fú Qì -
Divine tortoise swallows Qi

16. Shòu Wēng Húa Chúan -
Longevity man rows boat

17. Dān Fèng Cháo Yáng -
Dawn phoenix flies to the sun

18. Shōu Qì Gūi Yuán - 收气归元
Gather Qi back to the original source

Shǒu Shì
- Closing: Three outward arms circles on 3rd hands together and circle down to Dān Tián 丹田 (men Left hand closest to the body, women Right hand, unless preceding the cool down routine in which case Right hand is closest to the body for all) then step in with the Left foot so that the feet are one fist width distance apart and return hands to side of body.

Section 4

The exercises in Section Four promote Yáng Energy and use the ‘Hard’ breathing method;

  • Breathing In (Xī Qì 吸气)
  • Breathing Out (Hū Qì 呼气)
  • Holding the breath (Bì Qì 闭气)

Hard breathing promotes Yáng energy and the Yáng organs; the Large intestine,
Small intestine, Stomach, Gall bladder, and Bladder).

Movements should follow a continuous flow pausing only when holding the breath.

Where there is difficulty in following the breathing pattern students can breathe naturally or adapt the breathing pattern accordingly.

19. Chūn Fēng Fú Lǐu - 春风拂柳
Spring wind bends willow

20. Né Zhā Tàn Hǎi
- 哪吒探海
Ne Zha explores sea
Ne Zha is a mythical figure, a child warrior, who killed demons and spirits, including a sea dragon.

21. Líng Yuàn Xiàn Shòu -

Clever ape offers longevity

22. Lúo Hàn Fēn Shān -
Luo Han splits the mountain
Luo Han is the Chinese name for a Buddhist Arfat, an individual who has attained full enlightenment, peace and freedom

23. Jù Lóng Pán Xuán -巨龙盘旋
Huge dragon circles

24. Dān Tián Kāi Hé - 丹田开合
Open and Close Dān Tián

Shǒu shì - Closing: Three outward arms circles on 3rd hands together and circle down to Dān Tián 丹田 (men Left hand closest to the body, women Right hand, unless preceding the cool down routine in which case Right hand is closest to the body for all) then step in with the Left foot so that the feet are one fist width distance apart and return hands to side of body.

Cool down routine - Shǒu Gong 收功
Stand with feet shoulder width apart and Right palm resting on Dān Tián丹田 and Left palm resting on top of Right hand.

Dān Tián Sān Cì Shen Hu Xī 丹田三次深呼吸
Breath into Dan Tien three times

Rōu Fǔ 揉服
Massaging stomach in clockwise circles

Cūo Yāo 搓腰
Massaging waist at lower back downwards

Cūo Liǎng Xié 搓两胁

Massaging down sides of front of torso in 6 small circles

Shū Xiōng Shùn Qì 疏胸顺气
With Right palm on chest and Left palm on top of Right hand gently smooth energy down from the chest to
Dān Tián丹田

Huán Yuán
Return feet to one fist width distance

Liǎng Shǒu Gāo Jǔ Ha Ha Dà Xiào 两手高举哈哈大笑
Raise both arms above head, breath in and on out breath make the sound ‘Ha Ha’ from deep in the abdomen with a smile.

The Cool down routine is designed to return the body from practice it is important to relax to waist and abdomen during these exercises to allow Qi to return naturally to the Dān Tián丹田

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