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Yì Jīn Xíng Qì Fǎ 易筋行气法
Strengthening the muscles and regulating the Qi

Sections 1 & 2 (Qigong exercises 1 – 12)

Section One
The exercises in Section Four promote Yīn energy and use the ‘Soft’ breathing method;
  • Breathing In (Xī Qì 吸气)
  • Breathing Out (Hū Qì 呼气)
  • Holding the breath (Bì Qì 闭气)

Soft breathing promotes Yīn energy and the Yīn organs; Lungs, Heart, Spleen, Liver, and Kidneys.

Where there is difficulty in following the breathing pattern students can breathe naturally or adapt the breathing pattern accordingly to additional breaths eg; Exercise 2 Wùo Wàng Xīng Chén – breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, hold breath, breath in, breath out or Exercise 5 Nèi Yǔn Qián Kūn – breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, hold breath.

The movements should follow a continuous flow pausing only when holding the breath.

The Nei Yang Gong Qigong Section One exercises 1 - 6

1.Shēng Qīng Jiàng Zhuó - 升 清 降 浊
Raise up clear descend cloudy/impure (Qi)

2.Wùo Wàng Xīng Chén - 卧 望 星
Turn and gaze at the stars

3.Qì Guàng Cháng Hóng - 气 贯 长 虹
Qi creates long rainbow

4.Nì Shuǐ Tuī Zhōu - 逆 水 推 舟
Against river push boat

5.Jù Lóng Rù Hǎi - 巨 龙 入 海
Huge dragon enters sea

6.Nèi Yǔn Qián Kūn - 内 运 乾 坤
Motion of internal universe

Shǒu Shì - Closing, Three outward arms circles on 3rd hands together and circle down to Dān Tián 丹田 (for men Left hand closest to the body, for women Right hand, unless preceding the cool down routine in which case Right hand is closest to the body for all) then step with the Left foot in so that the feet are one fist width distance apart and return hands to side of body.

Section Two

The exercises in Section Four promote Yáng Energy and use the ‘Hard’ breathing method;

Breathing In (Xī Qì 吸气)
reathing Out (Hū Qì 呼气)
Holding the breath (B
ì Qì 闭气)

Hard breathing promotes Yáng energy and the Yáng organs; the Large intestine, Small intestine, Stomach, Gall bladder, and Bladder).

Where there is difficulty in following the breathing pattern students can breathe naturally or adapt the breathing pattern accordingly eg; Exercise 7 Tuō Tiān àn Dì – breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, hold breath, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out. The only exception to this breathing pattern is Exercise 8 Gǔ Mù Pān Gēn when a special breathing method is used which involves only partially breathing out on the 2nd out breath, retaining in the lungs and then fully exhaling after the breath is held.

The movements should follow a continuous flow pausing only when holding the breath.

The Nei Yang Gong Qigong Section Two exercises 7 - 12

7.Tuō Tiān àn Dì -
Hold up, heaven (sky) push down earth

8.Gǔ Mù Pān Gēn -古 木 盘 根
Ancient tree coils root

9.Húi Shēn Shè Hǔ - 回 身 射 虎
Turn around body shoot tiger

10. Zhūi Gǎn Rì Yuè - 追 赶 日月
Chase after and catch up with the sun and moon

11.Qiān Lā Tiān Zhù - 牵 拉 天 柱
Stretching the spine

12.Jīn Jī Dú Lì - 金 鸡 独 立
Golden rooster stands on one leg

Shōu shì (Closing position)
Step out to shoulder width with the Right foot on the last Jīn Jī Dú Lì, circle the arms to close (3 times), on third bring hands together then let them fall gently to Dān Tián (men Left hand closest to the body women Right, unless preceding the cool down routine in which case Right hand is first in each case). Step in to one first width distance with Right foot.

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